
Min Chang

Chief Executive Officer

Min Chang became Chief Executive Officer of Homebridge in March 2024. She brings more than 35 years of experience to the role, reflecting a deep passion for both healthcare and supporting vulnerable populations. Chang has held various leadership positions over the years, most recently at San Francisco-based On Lok, where she served as Chief Strategy Officer. 

Her deep understanding of cross-cultural dynamics will enrich Homebridge’s approach to serving diverse communities across the Bay Area. Before joining On Lok, she was president and CEO of Microsurgical Technology, a global medical devices company, and CEO at Kin On Health Care Center, a nonprofit in long term care.

Min holds a Doctorate in International Affairs and a Master of International Public Policy from Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies. She received her Master of Science in Management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management and a Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts from the University of Pennsylvania. 

For more information, please read our press release


Nick Blumenthal, Director, Career Pathways Program
Kayt Norris, Senior Director, Growth and Innovation
Jay Owens, Senior Director, Technology
Meaghan Shanahan, Senior Director, Program Development and Operations
Karina Vazquez, Director, Finance
Shantel Weingand, Chief Financial Officer


Our Team

We make a difference every day in people's  lives.

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