Learn with Homebridge
Welcome to the Homebridge
Caregiver Training Academy
The Homebridge Caregiver Training Academy is California’s premier provider of education and training opportunities for home care providers. This work is built on our decades-long expertise in providing skilled, compassionate, client-centered care tailored to individuals with complex health, behavioral, and social needs.

Paid Caregiver Training for Non-English Speakers
In Summer 2024, Homebridge launched a Vocational English as a Second Language Home Care Immersion Training Program (VESL), with Bay Area community partners and with the support of the California Workforce Development Board. The program opens doors for caregiver employment to qualified individuals whose native language is other than English through immersive on-the-job language and ongoing skill development training.

Supporting Caregiver Connections
Enhancing caregiver wellness and mental health is a hallmark of Homebridge caregiver training with classes designed to meet the specific needs of home care providers in a variety of in-home and community environments. The online Caregiver Community Connections portal facilitates caregiver connections and sharing.